

Hearty fabric pots enable air root pruning, in which the roots reach the edge of the container and naturally self-prune, creating more lateral branching of fibrous feeder roots. These roots are more productive in the uptake of water and nutrients, resulting in healthier plants that utilize the entire root zone for optimal growth.

In addition, the geotextile material of hearty fabric pots encourages better aeration and improved drainage, which provides more oxygen to the roots and helps prevent root rot. The high-quality fabric can be washed and reused for many growing cycles.

Hearty fabric pots are made from durable, UV-treated polypropylene geotextile fabric. All our materials are chemically stable, inert, and BPA, and heavy metal-free, making them safe for organic gardening.

With Hearty fabric pots, you may need to water slightly more frequently than with traditional growing containers due to the improved airflow and drainage. However, your plants will also be more protected from root rot, a potentially lethal condition that can be caused by poor drainage in both indoor and outdoor plants. Plus, improved aeration and drainage means that you will be rewarded with healthier plants and increased yields.

Start by removing dirt and debris from your Hearty fabric pot by hand or with the help of a tool. Use a wet/dry vacuum or pressure washer to remove any stubborn debris. Wash with either warm or cold water by hand or in a washing machine. (Hand wash recommended)  For best results, use OxiClean or a peroxide mixture to sterilize. Let air dry and store until the next use.

Designed with durability in mind, Hearty fabric pots are constructed to deliver a long-lasting container gardening alternative that can last for at least 5 or 6 growing cycles when kept in good condition and cleaned and stored between use.

The fabric in the Hearty Pot is made of a proprietary non-woven geotextile polypropylene fabric which is made of at least 33% recycled material by weight. Every fabric scrap that is too small to be used as a Hearty Pot component is returned directly to our fabric supplier to be recycled for future fabric batches.

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